
The Vision

...Plastic does not decompose! Plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller parts until it is finally so small that it is ingested by animals and plants and finds itself in our body through food intake - and is deposited there.


The same problem can also be found with so-called ̎organic plastic̎. These products are only compostable if they can decompose in industrial plants, with high energy consumption and exact conditions such as temperature and humidity in a specified period of time. The industrial composting plants cannot do this because they don't have the time, so in ̎the best case̎ this plastic also ends up in landfills or it is burned and in the worst case in the free nature or in our waters.

Animals that unintentionally regard larger plastic parts as prey e.g. Seagulls, die in agony on stomachs filled with plastic – they have to starve.

Our industry and we too are dependent on plastics. Many products could not be sold at all if we did not e.g. the possibility to offer fresh meat packaged in the grocery stores or to use medical products hygienically.

That is why we at global research thought about how we can use the advantages of plastics and eliminate the disadvantages? The result of our long research is our unique, fully biodegradable organic polymer La-1152®

On these pages you can find out more about us and our products.

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